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首页 >> 资讯中心 >> 会展信息 >> 美卓、福伊特等跨国公司正式签约“2013中国国际造纸科技展览会及会议”
2012-10-22 15:49:39
Metso, Voith and Other Paper Machinery Giants Have Formally Agreed to Participate the “2013 China International Paper Technology Exhibition and Conference
    The "2013 China International Paper Technology Exhibition and Conference " will be held in Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Centre on September 23 to 25 ​​, 2013. The exhibition is jointly organized by China Paper Association, China Technical Association of Paper Industry and China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute, and operated by China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute. At present, the enlistment work is implemented smoothly, and many most influential companies in Papermaking industry both at home and abroad such as Metso, Voith, ABB, A.Celli, Kadant, PMP, NSK, SKF, BTG, Kandas, China Paper Machinery, Changsha Chaint, Jiaozuo Chongyi, Shandong Changhua Liaoyang Paper Machinery, Shashi light Industry Machinery, Shanghai Qingliang, Henan Zhongya, Hunan Zhengda, Sichuan Gaoda, Mianyang Mutual Success, Jiangsu Tengxuan have been officially signed agreements to participate the expo.
    During the exhibition period series of conference and seminars will be hold. Through the series of activities with clear theme during the exhibition, it will surely attract professional visitors; it can enhance maximally the exchanges and cooperation of the domestic papermaking enterprise with participating exhibitors. The Exhibition will have better return. Meanwhile, the expo will build a communication platform for papermaking enterprises and their upstream suppliers of equipment, raw materials, chemicals, automatic control, and promote the development of China's papermaking industry.
    We sincerely invite other papermaking and relative enterprises both at home and abroad to participate in this exhibition. The remaining booths are limited, so the companies that interest in the exhibition please contact the organizing committee as soon as possible.
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