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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 国际造纸 >> 目录 >> 《Paper and Biomaterials》2016年第2期目次
Hydroxypropyl Cellulose
Structure Elucidation of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Homogenously Prepared from NaOH/Urea Aqueous
 Solution........................HaiSong Qi Tao Song Fachuang Lu
Structure of Cellulose and Xylan
Structural Characteristics of Cellulose and Xylan during in vitro Fermentation by Pig Fecal Bacteria
 .........................Ling Meng ShiLin Cao XiaoJuan Ma et al
Wheat Straw Lignin Structure
Structural Changes of Wheat Straw Lignin during Formic Acid Treatment
 ........................RuiXue Dong XiuWen Mei Chang Ma et al
Rice Straw Liquefaction
Liquefaction of Rice Straw with Ethylene Carbonate
.....MeiYan Wu Zhu Long JinXing Lin et al
Sizing Agent
Heterogeneous Reactions between Starch and AKD under Solvent-free Conditions
 .....................ShanShan Gao XiaoMing Song FuShan Chen et al
PET Fiber
Surface Modification and Characterization of PET Fibers
 .....................SuFeng Zhang MeiJuan Zhang ZhaoXia Sun et al
HPMC Nanocomposite
Regulating the Function of Nanocomposite Made from Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose with
 Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystal
...........AiJing Zhou YangYang Peng ShiYu Fu et al
Lignin Extraction from Black Liquor
Lignin Extraction from Black Liquor and its Application Prospects in Pulp Mills
 .................................FuMing Jin ShuBin Wu
Agricultural Waste Resources
Chemicals, Energy, and Biomaterials from Agricultural Waste Resources in South China
 ..............................ZhouYang Xiang Fachuang Lu
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