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Instructions for Authors
Paper and Biomaterials(quarterly)is asci-tech journal of paper and biomaterials subject in English. It welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high quality original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of raw materials,biomass energy,biomass chemicals,biomass new materials, biomassnatural active components, pulp and papermaking,comprehensive utilization of waste liquor and pollution control, equipment, automation,etc.
1 Requirements for manuscripts
1.1   The manuscriptmust strictly abide by the regulations of People's Republic of China, as well as science and technology, statistical data and the relevant security regulations should not involve state secrets.
1.2   The manuscript must be written in English and should have been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The author takes sole responsibility for his views and the publisher reserves the right torevise the manuscript.
2 Requirements for Contents
2.1TitleAbrief and informativetitle less than 10 notional words is required. It must accurately identify and describe the manuscript contents.Indicate the author's name, organization, post code, country, abstract and keywords under the title, the funds and first author’s profile at thepage footer.
2.2Abstract and Keywords  Abstract(less than 250 notional words,includes the purpose of the study, methods, results and conclusions. Keywords (5~8 words, each keyword separates by “;”)
2.3Text  Text content should be innovative, scientific and practical with clear point, reliable data, sufficient arguments,wellorganized and accurate terminology. The heading of the text should be within three level (first-level headings 1, 2, 3 ...;second-level headings 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.1, 2.2, ...;third-level headings1.1.1, 1.1.2...;the introduction does not sort). Figures and Tables should be arrangedin number.Letters and variables in the figure, tableand text are indicated by italics.
2.4 ReferencesAllpublicationsreferred to in the text should be presented in the references and must be published.The references in the text should be arranged in order.The serial numbers should be put in square brackets and superscript. Inbibliographic references, capitalize first letter of the author'ssurname, andlowercase the rest letters; acronym author's name and empty semi lattice (such as Robert JO). References should be arranged as follows:
For journal articleShen J, Song ZQ, QianXR, et al. Dissolution-inhibiting effect of silicate-based inhibitors on precipitatedcalcium carbonate filler [J].China Pulp & Paper, 2008, 27 (10): 13-17.
For bookSmookGA. Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists[M].2nd edition.Bellingham, Angus Wilde Publications Inc, 1997: 20-25.
For symposium HubbeMA, GillR A.Filler particle shape vs. paperproperties[C]//A review in 2004 TAPPI Paper Summit-springTechnical and International Environmental Conference. Atlanta, 2004: 141-150.
For dissertation Cairn R B. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen[D]. Beijing, BeijingUniversity, 1964.
For standardInternational Organization for Standardization. ISO 690-2:1997 Information and documentation-biliographic references-part 2: electronic documents or parts thereof [S]. Switzerland: International Orgazization for Stanardization, c1997.
For patent KoganJ, Steiner M.Method of Reducing Fluorescence inDeinking Pulp by Treating Pulp with Ozone and Bleaching Agent: US, 5529660[P].1996-06-25( issueddate).
For web referencePowell A, Johnston P. Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML[EB/OL].http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-xml-guidelines/.
3Please provide the electronic version of the manuscript, and indicate the contact address,telephone number, E-mail, etc.
4 Connect us
Address:607 SinolightPlaza, 4 Yard, WangjingQiyang Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Post code:100102
Telephone:010-64778162   010-64778163
Paper and Biomaterials(季刊)将聚焦国内外制浆造纸及生物质材料学科的前沿热点,反映制浆造纸及生物质材料学科的科研成果、技术进步和发展趋势,促进国际间的学术交流与合作,推动制浆造纸技术和相关生物质产业技术快速发展;主要刊登制浆造纸及生物质材料方面的研究论文、技术进展及相关领域的文献综述。
1 投稿要求
2 稿件内容要求
2.2 摘要及关键词摘要包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论等,一般不宜超过250个实词;关键词一般选3~5个,每个关键词以“;”分隔。
2.4 参考文献文末参考文献必须与文中标引处完全一致,未公开发表的切勿使用。正文中文献采用顺序编码制著录。文末参考文献中,作者的姓一律首字母大写,其余小写;名采用首字母缩写并空半格(如Robert JO)。各类文献的著录格式如下:
(1) 期刊作者.篇名[J]. 期刊名, 卷(期): 起止页码.
[序号]Shen J, Song ZQ,QianXR,et al. Dissolution-inhibiting effect of silicate-based inhibitors on precipitatedcalcium carbonate filler [J]. China Pulp & Paper,2008,27 (10):13-17.
(2) 图书作者.书名[M]. 版次. 出版地, 出版社, 出版时间: 起止页码.
[序号]SmookGA.Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists[M].2nd edition.Bellingham, Angus Wilde Publications Inc, 1997: 20-25.
(3)论文集作者.篇名[C]//会议论文集, 会议举办地, 时间: 起止页码.
[序号]HubbeMA, GillR A.Filler particle shape vs. paperproperties[C]//A review in 2004 TAPPI Paper Summit-springTechnical and International Environmental Conference. Atlanta, 2004: 141-150.
(4)学位论文作者.论文名称[D]. 保存地, 保存单位, 年份.
[序号]Cairn R B.Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen[D]. Beijing, BeijingUniversity, 1964.
(5)标准标准制定者.标准号标准名称[S].出版地: 出版单位, 出版年.
[序号]International Organization for Standardization. ISO 690-2:1997 Information and documentation-biliographic references-part 2: electronic documents or parts thereof [S]. Switzerland: International Orgazization for Stanardization, c1997.
(6)专利专利所有者.专利题名: 国别, 专利号[P].公开日期.
[序号]KoganJ, Steiner M. Method of Reducing Fluorescence inDeinking Pulp by Treating Pulp with Ozone and Bleaching Agent: US, 5529660[P].1996-06-25( issueddate).
(7)网络文献作者.题名[文献类型标志/OL].出版地: 出版单位, 出版年(更新或修改日期)[引用日期].获取网址.
[序号]Powell A, Johnston P. Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML [EB/OL]. http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-xml-guidelines/.
电话:010-64778162   010-64778163
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