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Paper and Biomaterials Invites Your Contributions
Paper and Biomaterials(quarterly,ISSN 2096-2355/CN 10-1401/TS)is published by China Pulp and Paper Magazines Publisher (CPPMP). It is a sci-tech journal of paper and biomaterials subject in English. Paper and Biomaterials will publish articles of original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of raw materials, biomass energy, biomass chemicals, biomass new materials, biomass natural active components, pulp and papermaking, comprehensive utilization of waste liquor and pollution control, equipment, automation, etc. Paper and Biomaterials has been cited by CNKI, WANFANG DATE, and CQVIP Databases.
Paper and Biomaterials will be published in the middle of January, April, July and October in print version. Paper and Biomaterials welcomes the contributions in the areas from scientists and experts worldwide. Please send the contributions to the mailbox (pbm607@vip.163.com) before the magazine website is constructed. The contributor will receive a high contribution fee when the manuscript is published.
 Add: Sinolight Plaza, 4 Qiyang Road, Wangjing, Chaoyang, Beijing 100102,China
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