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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 造纸信息 >> 目录 >> 《造纸信息》2015年第08期目次

08 国务院印发《中国制造2025》
09 国务院印发《关于推进国际产能和装备制造合作的指导意见》
10 国务院办公厅印发《关于运用大数据加强对市场主体服务和监管的若干意见》
10 国务院印发《关于积极推进“互联网+”行动的指导意见》

11 恒联集团多措并举 扎实推进转型升级

15 日本造纸机械进出口分析

行业热点 焦点论坛
In-depth Analysis
19 2014年造纸上市公司概况

Industry Development
24 2013年我国造纸工业主要污染物排放及处理概况
 The Main Pollutants Emission from Paper Industry of China and Its Treatment in 2013
30 美国公布对中国非涂布纸反补贴调查初裁结果
31 山东省造纸工业2014年发展概况
33 广东省造纸工业2014年发展概况及2015年展望
36 2015年3—4月我国造纸行业主要产品产量
36 印度尼西亚对进口涂布纸或纸板做出保障措施产业损害裁决
36 《制浆造纸单位产品能源消耗限额》强制性国家标准正式批准发布
46 祝贺《中国造纸》、《中国造纸学报》双双入选“中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目”

News of Projects
37 宝马纸业向宝拓造纸设备公司订购2万t/a高速纸机生产线
37 迪森投资拟与江陵骏马纸业合资投建热电联产项目
38 赤天化纸业30万t/a生活用纸原纸项目举行开工典礼
38 中国纸业牡丹江生物质能源产业示范基地项目暨林业科技产业园项目开工
44 昌泰纸业曹妃甸项目计划于2017年建成投产

Enterprises Report
39 中国制浆造纸研究院联合研发的“造纸涂布级超细滑石粉制造技术”通过专家鉴定
39 小技改打通增效路 华泰热力争创效益新高
40 “斯道拉恩索广西一体化项目及运营”连续3年获FSC®及CFCC®认证
40 贵州赤天化纸业重组改制 生产创历史记录
40 博汇纸业拟开展融资租赁 融资4亿元
41 亚太森博浆纸公司近期活动及动态
42 焦作瑞丰纸业获得多项殊荣
43 维达纸业组织开展多项环保活动
44 大指装备第二套离型纸高速涂布机项目完成发货
44 江河纸业荣获“2014年度河南省造纸工业十强企业”称号

45 瓦楞原纸及箱纸板价格大幅上涨或成必然趋势
47 中国浆纸市场2015年二季度价格行情
50 2015年3—4月美国各地区的废纸价格
51 2015年3—4月美国各地区出口亚洲废纸价格
52 2015年3—4月美洲市场商品浆价格
52 2015年3—4月北欧市场纸浆价格
52 2015年3—4月日本及亚洲市场纸浆价格
53 2015年3—4月美国纸和纸板售价
54 2015年3—4月我国纸产品进出口统计
56 近期国内市场纸张价格(2015年7月份)

CIPTE Report
57 “2015中国国际造纸科技展览会及会议”将于9月16—18日在北京召开
 "2015 China International Paper Technology Exhibitionand Conference (2015 CIPTE)" Will Be Held in Beijing on September 16-18th
58 “2015 CIPTE国际造纸技术报告会”将于9月17日在北京召开
 "CIPTE Conference 2015" Will Be Held in Beijing on September 17th
62 “2015中国国际造纸科技展览会及会议”组委会关于征集智能制造集中展示产品资料的通知
63 展前预览(二)
Show Preview ( II )

Worldwide News
70 白俄罗斯Svetlogorsk公司新建40万t/a纸浆生产线
70 巴西批准转基因桉树的商业化种植
71 维美德自动化系统订单频现
71 维美德向亚太资源集团印尼纸厂提供OptiConcept M 文化用纸生产线
72 荷兰Parenco公司2#箱纸板机改造转产高强瓦楞纸和瓦楞芯纸
72 昂高完成收购巴斯夫纺织化学品业务
73 维美德将对瑞典Mönsterås浆厂的蒸发设备实施改造
73 维美德热电联产设备在LucartCastelnuovo di Garfagnana生活用纸厂投入运行
74 奔马机械收购盖康公司
74 欧米亚公司将为泰国制纸建设轻质碳酸钙卫星工厂
75 2015年5月全球纸浆市场针叶木浆库存量稳定
75 2015年5月北美向中南美的新闻纸出口量首度回升
75 2015年1—5月巴西纸浆出口量同比增长5.3%
75 2015年1—4月美国造纸工业进出口量持续疲软

76 “IBS进入中国10周年及IBS太仓iTABLE中心开业庆典暨客户研讨会”在江苏太仓举办
78 2015第十二届广州国际纸展于7月15—17日在广州举行
80 太阳纸业、史泰博、安徽清时客户交流会在合肥召开
81 第八届中国纸业发展大会走进珠三角 助推造纸业走向“一带一路”最前沿
82 “2015亚洲国际标签印刷展览会(Labelexpo Asia)”宣传、推广工作正式展开

Focus on China's Paper Industry
84 The Integrated and Revised Assessment Indicator System of Cleaner Production for Pulp and Paper Industry Was Issued
85 State Council Issued The Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
86 Promulgation of Elimination Catalogue of High-water Consumption Process, Technology and Equipment (The First Batch) Issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
87 Several Comments on Increasing Financing Support for the Important Technology Equipment Issued
88 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Issued National Industrial Energy Efficiency Guidelines (2014 Edition)
90 The Notice on Adjustment Pollution Discharge Fee Collection Standard Issued
91 The Revised Environment Protection Law of the PRC Went into Effect from January 1st 2015
92 Management Measures for Approval and Recordation of Foreign Investment Projects Effective From June 17th, 2014

Annual Report
93 2014 Annual Report of China's Paper Industry

Top Ten News of 2014
106 2014 Top Ten News of China's Paper Industry

News of Projects
108 Sun Paper Tissue Base Paper Production Line Put into Operation Successfully
108 The First Stage of 100,000 t/a Tissue Paper Production Base Project of Hebei Yihoucheng Commodity Co., Ltd. Put into Operation
108 300,000 t/a Liquid Packaging Paper Project of Shandong Asia Pacific SSYMB Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Put into Operation Successfully
109 Sun Paper Will Invest RMB 850 Million to Implement the Expanding and Rebuilding Project of 300,000 t/a Light Weight Paper
109 Rizhao Huatai Chemical Group Pulp & Paper Project Broke Ground
109 Chongqing Lee & Man 320,000 t/a High-strength Corrugating Medium Production Line Put into Operation Officially
110 The 600,000 t/a Paperboard Machine of Fujian Liansheng Paper Co., Ltd. Put into Operation Successfully
110 Sichuan Chengdu Meiling Paper 150,000 t/a High-strength Corrugating Medium Production Line Put into Operation Successfully
110 Zhejiang Jingxing Paper Industry PrimeLineST C8 Tissue Paper Production Line Put into Operation
111 Ganzhou Huajin Paper High-grade Tissue Paper Production Line Was in Commissioning Test Run
111 1.1 Million t/a Specialty Paper Project Will Be Built in Jiangxi Hukou
111 Ningbo STLS Metal Protective Materials Co., Ltd. Metal Protective Materials Project Put into Operation
112 Yuen Foong Yu Will Build 300,000 t/a Corrugating Medium Production Line & 36,000 t/a Household Paper Production Line in Taiwan, China
112 Shanying Paper 800,000 t/a Liner Board Production Project Put into Operation
112 20,000 t/a Household Paper Project of Sichuan Vinda Paper Was Under Construction
113 75,000 t/a Specialty Paper Project of Inner Mongolia Daxing'anling Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Put into Production Successfully
113 Jiangmen Xinghui Paper 300,000 t/a High-grade Coated White Board Project Put into Trial Operation
114 Two Companies Controlled by Dongshun Group Officially Opened and Annual Sales Income Will Increase by about RMB 3 Billion
114 Food Packaging Base Paper Production Line of Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd. Put into Operation
114 50,000 t/a Tissue and Office Paper Project of Chongqing Qianzheng Paper Development Co., Ltd. Put into Operation
115 High-grade Household Paper Production Line of Xinjiang Bazhou Mingxing Paper Stock Put into Operation
115 High-grade Coated Paper Project of Zhanjiang Zhongzhi Paper Began Construction in the East Island
116 The Fifth Phase Project of Hunan Heng'an Paper Put into Operation
116 Zhanjiang Chenming 180,000 t/a Base Paper for Cups Project Put into Operation

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