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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 国际造纸 >> 目录 >> 《国际造纸》2012年第3期中英文目次
研究开发     Research & Development

  云杉机械浆的高温H2O2漂白 .........  4

  High-temperature Bleaching of Mechanical Pulps from Spruce

  利用复合脱墨技术提高再生纸的质量      8

  Combined Deinking Technology to Improve the Quality of Recycled Paper

  涂布纸老化时间对其表面疏水性的影响           11

  Changes with Aging in the Surface Hydrophobicity of Coated Paper

  防油纸生产中能耗与成纸阻隔性能的关系      17

  The Relationship between Energy Requirement and Barrier Properties in the Production of Greaseproof Paper

造纸化学品 Papermaking Chemicals

  阳离子助剂的电荷密度对纸张强度的影响       23

  Importance of Charge Density of Cationic Additives on Increasing Paper Strength

  中试纸机³­纸AKD留着的定量分析 .  29

  Quantitative Determination of Alkyl Ketene Diner (AKD) Retention in Paper Made on a Pilot Machine

  温度对滑石粉吸附TMP滤液中DCS的影响     34

  Influence of the Temperature on the Adsorption of Dissolved and Colloidal Substances from a Thermo

   Mechanical Pulp Filtrate onto Talc

测试技术     Test Technology

  用激光斑纹法测定纸张粗糙度 .....  39

  Using Laser Speckle to Measure the Roughness of Paper

生产实践     Mill Practice

  改善废纸造纸废水处理的案例研究          45

  Simple and Cost-effective Measures for the Improvement of Paper Mill Effluent Treatment——A Case Study

专题论坛     Forum

  溶解浆进入高速发展的黄金时期 .  55

  Dissolving Pulp Gold Rush in High Gear

  将生物质乙醇生产工艺整合到综合硫酸盐制浆造纸厂中的技术¾­济评估       59

  Integrating Bioethanol Production into an Integrated Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill: Techno-economic Assessment

  工业木素应用中的挑战 ..................  67

  Challenges in Industrial Applications of Technical Lignins

特别报道     Report

  中国制浆造纸研究院举行迁址庆典          74

  福伊特造纸技术服务有限公司成立          75

  世界瓦楞原­纸增产 ...........................  77

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