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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 中国造纸学报 >> 目录 >> 《中国造纸学报》2008年第4期中英文目次
西双版纳丛生竹的纤维形态与造纸性能………………杨  清  苏光荣  段柱标等
麦草NaOHAQ法蒸煮中溶出木素结构的变化………………袁成强  刘  玉  陈嘉川等
杨木CTMP及其碱性H2O2漂白浆中溶出的DCS的特性分析…苗庆显  侯庆喜  秦梦华等
硫酸盐竹浆ECF和TCF漂白过程中木素结构的变化……………覃程荣  詹怀宇  王双飞等
竹浆Co-salen仿酶催化漂白机理研究………………贾艳迪  周学飞
荧光增白剂对杨木BCTMP浆光致返黄的抑制作用……………张红杰  胡惠仁  魏德津等
光叶楮白皮生物制浆及漂白废水的特性及处理………………刘秉钺  白淑云  李  娜等
废纸脱墨废水的毒性及其污染负荷的研究………………赵  宇  雷晓春  薛国新
一种新型纤维素螯合吸附剂的制备………………黄金阳  刘明华  黄统琳等
Pd/C催化下碱木质素的高压加氢反应………………叶结旺  方桂珍
杨木自催化乙醇法制浆蒸煮废液的超滤处理………………杨瑞丰  崔  鑫  周景辉
造纸废水污灌对土壤性质及脲酶活性的影响………………严金龙  全桂香  丁  成
树脂吸附法处理酸析黑液废水的研究………………陈一良  蒋  凯  何晓妍等
木质素基β环糊精醚的合成及对Cu2+的吸附性能……………胡春平  方桂珍  李志娜等中、低
浓打浆的使用效果及打浆机理的差异………………刘士亮  陈中豪  曹国平等
旧报纸碎浆过程中产生的溶解与胶体物质的研究………………李学凤  秦梦华  刘  娜等
杨木机械浆中溶胶物质与阳离子助剂间作用行为的研究………苗庆显  侯庆喜  秦梦华等
硫酸铝在阳离子分散松香胶施胶中的作用………………陈梅燕  刘温霞  刘  鹏等
碳纤维屏蔽纸屏蔽性能的研究………………钟林新  张美云  陈均志等
海藻酸钠磁性微粒的制备及对漆酶的固定化………………赵  敏  王  玮  李昕芯等
含氟丙烯酸酯防油剂的制备及在纸张表面施胶中的应用…………王  健  杨瑞丰  刘彦军
有效残余油墨浓度测量方法及其特点分析………………文海平  何北海  刘  攀等
造纸蒸球焊缝与热影响区耐蚀性研究………………郭巧琴  李建平  冯拉俊
模糊神经模型对废水处理过程COD的预测及控制………………马邕文  黄明智  万金泉等
基于DSP的纸张缺陷实时检测系统设计………………邱书波  吕荫平


·Peer Reviewed Papers·
Fiber Characteristics and Papermaking Feasibility of Major Sympodial Bamboos in Xishuangbanna ………………YANG Qing SU Guang-rong DUAN Zhu-biao et al
The Structure Changes of Dissolved Lignin from Wheat Straw during Soda-anthraquinone Cooking ………………YUAN Cheng-qiang LIU Yu CHEN Jia-chuan et al
Characteristics of Dissolved and Colloidal Substances Released from Poplar CTMP and BCTMP ………………MIAO Qing-xian HOU Qing-xi QIN Meng-hua et al
Study on the Changes of Lignin Structure during ECF and TCF Bleaching of Bamboo Sulfate Pulp ………………QIN Cheng-rong ZHAN Huai-yu WANG Shuang-fei et al
Mechanism of Co-salen Biomimetic Catalysis Bleaching of Bamboo Pulp ………………JIA Yan-di ZHOU Xue-fei
Application of Fluorescent Whitening Agents against Light-induced Colour Reversion of Aspen BCTMP ………………ZHANG Hong-jie HU Hui-ren WEI De-jin et al
Characteristics and Treatment of the Waste Water from Bio-pulping and Bleaching of Broussonetia Papeyrifera L.………………LIU Bing-yue BAI Shu-yun LI Na et al
Toxicity and Toxicity Load of Dinking Effluents ………………ZHAO Yu LEI Xiao-chun XUE Guo-xin
The Preparation of a New Cellulose Chelating Adsorbent ………………HUANG Jin-yang LIU Ming-hua HUANG Tong-lin et al
Hydrogenation Reaction of Alkali Lignin Catalysed by Pd/C ………………YE Jie-wang FANG Gui-zhen
Ultrafiltration of Waste Liquor from Auto-catalyzed Ethanol-water Pulping of Aspen ………………YANG Rui-feng CUI Xin ZHOU Jing-hui
Influences of Pulping Wastewater Irrigation on the Soil Properties and the Activity of Urease ………………YAN Jin-long QUAN Gui-xiang DING Cheng
Treatment of Wastewater of Acid-Precipitation Black Liquor with Resin Adsorption Process ………………CHEN Yi-liang JIANG Kai HE Xiao-yan et al
Synthesis of Lignin Grafted β-Cyclodextrin and Its Cu2+ AdsorptionPerformance………………HU Chun-ping FANG Gui-zhen LI Zhi-na et al
Differences of Mechanism and Application between Medium Consistency Refining and Low
 Consistency Refining………………LIU Shi-liang CHEN Zhong-hao CAO Guo-ping et al
Study on Dissolved and Colloidal Substances Released during the Pulping of Old Newspaper ………………LI Xue-feng QIN Meng-hua LIU Na et al
The Interaction between Cationic Polymers and Dissolved and Colloidal Substances from Aspen
 Chemithermomechanical Pulp………………MIAO Qing-xian HOU Qing-xi QIN Meng-hua et al
The Function of Alum in Cationic Dispersed Rosin Sizing ………………CHEN Mei-yan LIU Wen-xia LIU Peng et al
Study on the Shielding Properties of Carbon Fiber Shielding Paper ………………ZHONG Lin-xin ZHANG Mei-yun CHEN Jun-zhi et al
Preparation of Surface Modified Alginate Nanoparticles with Acyl Chloride Groups and Its Use
 in Immobilization of Laccase………………ZHAO Min WANG Wei LI Xin-xin et al
Preparation of the Fluoroacrylate Copolymer as the Oil-Proof Agent for Paper Surface Sizing ………………WANG Jian YANG Rui-feng LIU Yan-jun
The Effective Residual Ink Concentration Measurement Method and Its Characteristics ………………WEN Hai-ping HE Bei-hai LIU Pan et al
Corrosion Behavior of the Welded Seam and Heat-affected Zone of the Rotary Digester in
 Ammonium Sulfite Solution………………GUO Qiao-qin LI Jian-ping FENG La-jun
Research on Forecasting COD in Wastewater Treatment Process and Controlling Addition
 Dosage Using Fuzzy Neural-Net Model………………MA Yong-wen HUANG Ming-zhi WAN Jin-quan et al
Design of Paper Defect Real Time Detecting System Based on DSP ………………QIU Shu-bo LV Yin-ping
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