不同材料电极的制备及用于电化学介体脱木素的效果 孔凡功 詹怀宇 王鹏生等(1)
芦苇预水解硫酸盐法人纤浆粕的制备及其预水解动力学研究 胡可信 曾光明 郭振华等(7)
回用纤维表面的物理和化学变化 宋先亮 Kwei\|Nam LawClaude Daneault等(12)
低卡伯值硫酸盐竹浆ECF漂白的研究 郭三川 詹怀宇 徐莉莉等(16)
光叶楮白皮生物法制浆可漂性的研究 白延坤 刘秉钺 何连芳等(19)
清洁造纸用菌株的形态、酶系分析及其生物漂白 莫佳琳 付时雨 詹怀宇等(23)
脂肪酶结合表面活性剂控制树脂障碍 徐丽丽 林鹿陈鹏等(28)
浮选条件对ONP/OMG废纸浮选脱墨效果的影响 李荣刚 陈克复 李擘等(32)
影响旧报纸浮选脱墨效果的主要因素及其评价 郭秀强 武书彬 王少光等(36)
动态复合电化学法处理CTMP废液 胡志军 李友明 陈元彩等(39)
CuO/C催化还原碱木质素的化学结构特征 方桂珍 徐凤英 任世学等(42)
DMDAAC壳聚糖接枝共聚物的制备及其应用 张荣 龙柱 李凤云等(46)
淀粉/聚胺复合物纸张增强机理初探 卢玉栋 吴宗华(51)
FC法测定木素和纸浆中的酚羟基 赖玉荣 张曾 黄干强等(54)
pH值和金属阳离子对水性油墨胶体稳定性的影响 张学铭 何北海 李军荣等(59)
硼改性微粒硅溶胶的超滤浓缩及稳定性 马金霞 彭毓秀 李忠正(63)
液体直接染料纸张染色效果的影响因素 黄婷 陈港 梁二东等(68)
阳离子双酰胺类纸张柔软剂的制备及应用 毛二林 沈一丁(72)
几种磨盘材料耐磨性研究 向红亮(77)
基于遗传算法的烘缸干燥曲线的参数优化 周强 韩九强(80)
水节点变化对制浆造纸理论最小清水用量的影响 吴朝军 陈克复 莫立焕等(84)
一种球形木质素吸附剂吸附L\|天门冬氨酸的性能研究 郑福尔 刘明华 黄杰等(88)
高得率浆光诱导返黄机理及其抑制技术的研究进展 林本平 王双飞(92)
低温等离子体技术在造纸废水处理中的应用 唐艳军 李友明(99)
木质素的Mannich反应研究进展 刘祖广 陈朝晖 王迪珍(104)
工业木素的氨化反应研究及其进展 廖艳芝 杨阿三 孙勤等(109)
PAM的分散聚合法制备及其应用研究进展 王玉峰 胡惠仁(114)
●Peer Reviewed Papers●
Preparation of Different Material Anodes and Its Application in Electrochemically
Mediated Delignification System
KONG Fan\|gongZHAN Huai\|yuWANG Peng\|sheng et al(1)
Study on the Manufacture of Dissolving Pulp from Reed by Prehydrolysis Kraft
Process and the Prehydrolysis Kinetics
HU Ke\|xinZENG Guang\|mingGUO Zhen\|hua et al(7)
Changes in the Surface Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Recycled Fibers
SONG Xian\|liang Kwei\|Nam LawClaude Daneault et al (12)
ECF Bleaching of Low Kappa Number Kraft Bamboo Pulp
GUO San\|chuanZHAN Huai\|yuXU Li\|li et al(16)
Study on the Bleachability of the Bio\|Pulp of Guangyechu White Bast
BAI Yan\|kunLIU Bing\|yueHE Lian\|fang et al(19)
Biobleaching of Bamboo Kraft Pulp with the Enzymes Produced from a Fungus
MO Jia\|linFU Shi\|yuZHAN Huai\|yu et al(23)
Pitch Control of Mason Pine TMP with the Combination of Lipase and Surfactant
XU Li\|liLIN LuCHEN Peng et al (28)
Effect of Flotation Parameters on ONP/OMG Deinking Efficiency
LI Rong\|gangCHEN Ke\|fuLI Bo et al(32)
Evaluation of the Main Factors Influencing Floatation Deinking Efficiency
GUO Xiu\|qiang WU Shu\|bin WANG Shao\|guang et al(36)
Application of Dynamic Compound Electrolysis Process in CTMP Effluent Treatment
HU Zhi\|junLI You\|mingCHEN Yuan\|cai et al(39)
Structural Characteristics of Alkali Lignin in Deoxidation Reaction Catalyzed by
CuO/C CatalystFANG Gui\|zhenXU Feng\|yingREN Shi\|xue et al(42)
Preparation of Copolymer of Dimethyldiallylammonium Chloride and Chitosan
and its ApplicationZHANG RongLONG ZhuLI Feng\|yun et al(46)
Strengthening Mechanism of the Complexes of Starch and Polyamine as Paper
Internal Dry Strength AgentLU Yu\|dongWU Zong\|hua(51)
Determination of the Content of Phenolic Hydroxyl Groups in Ligninand Pulp with
FC\|MethodLAI Yu\|rong ZHANG Zeng HUANG Gan\|qiang et al(54)
Effect of Inorganic Electrolytes on the Colloidal Stability of Water\|Based Inks
ZHANG Xue\|ming HE Bei\|haiLI Jun\|rong et al(59)
Ultrafiltration Concentration and Stability of Microparticle Boron Modified Silica Sol
MA Jin\|xiaPENG Yu\|xiuLI Zhong\|zheng (63)
The Factors Influencing Paper Dyeing with Liquid Direct Dyes
HUANG TingCHEN GangLIANG Er\|dong et al(68)
Preparation and Application of the Cationic Diamide Softening Agent
MAO Er\|linSHEN Yi\|ding(72)
Study on Abrasion Resistance of Several Refiner Plate Materials
XIANG Hong\|liang(77)
Optimization of Drying Curve of the Dryers Based on Genetic Algorithus
ZHOU Qiang HAN Jiu\|qiang (80)
The Effect of Changes of Water Pinch Point on Theoretical Minimum Freshwater
Consumptions of Pulping and Papermaking Process
WU Chao\|junCHEN Ke\|fuMO Li\|huan et al(84)
Study on the Adsorption Performance of L\|Aspartic Acid on the Spherical
Lignin BeadsZHENG Fu\|er LIU Ming\|hua HUANG Jie et al(88)
Research Progress in the Mechanism of Light\|Induced Yellowing of High Yield Pulps
LIN Ben\|ping WANG Shuang\|fei (92)
Application of Non\|Equilibrium Plasma Technology in Wastewater Treatment of
Paper IndustryTANG Yan\|jun LI You\|ming(99)
Research Developments of Lignin Modification by Mannich Reaction
LIU Zu\|guang CHEN Zhao\|hui WANG Di\|zhen(104)
Research Progress of Ammoxidation of Technical Lignin
LIAO Yan\|zhi YANG A\|san SUN Qin et al(109)
Preparation and Application of Polyacrylamide
WANG Yu\|feng HU Hui\|ren(114) |